Pirates Don’t Wear Glasses
Posted by administration on September 18, 2014
Blackbeard…Captain Kidd…Black Bart…Redbeard…even Jack Sparrow… You’ll be hard-pressed to find a pirate who wore glasses (there were plenty of eye patches, though). Does that mean that all pirates had 20/20 vision? Probably not; but it’s safe to assume that pirates didn’t have access to good eye care. Even if a pirate did manage to visit an eye doctor and find out his vision was less-than-perfect, the idea of wearing eye glasses wasn’t too appealing. (After all, a pirate had a reputation to uphold!) And LASIK vision correction wasn’t FDA-approved before the late 1990s, so all the gleamin’ booty in the world wouldn’t make that an option. Why are we talking about pirates? September 19 is International Talk Like a Pirate Day! It’s a day for you to connect with your inner pirate and toss about a few “Aarrs” and “Blimeys” with friends, family and co-workers. You may even want to don an eye patch for the occasion. But if you have to wear glasses to correct your nearsightedness, farsightedness or astigmatism, it will be almost impossible to look authentic with an eye patch over your glasses. Avast! If you want to celebrate Talk Like a Pirate Day by looking like a pirate (meaning, no glasses), find out if LASIK vision correction in Rapid City is right for you. Call 605-718-5123 or visit wrightvisioncenter.com to schedule your free LASIK Consultation at Great Plains Eye Specialists. Great Plains Eye Specialistswon’t hornswaggle you with the cost of LASIK and they will even provide LASIK financing options to make better vision more affordable. ]]>