Why is Some LASIK Cheap?
If you are considering LASIK, you’ve probably noticed advertisements for low-cost, discount LASIK. While discount LASIK eye surgery may sound enticing, there are numerous reasons to be wary of these so-called “deals.” Let’s review why some LASIK is cheap:
Discount LASIK advertisements usually contain fine print regarding the actual cost of the LASIK procedure. Typically, this either means hidden fees are involved and the patient doesn’t actually save money or only a small number of people qualify to receive LASIK eye surgery at that low price. Many times these ads look great on the surface but it is only after you have gone into the eye doctor’s office that you find out the true costs. Be especially wary of such bold offers; many people who choose to undergo LASIK in this way are hit with additional fees after their surgery is over.
While LASIK is generally an extremely safe procedure, a low cost can be an indicator that corners are being cut. Discounts and group deals on LASIK pose the risk of poor surgical outcomes and poor patient care due to outdated technology. It is important to find a LASIK surgeon that has sufficient experience and uses the latest blade-free technology such as Dr. Wright in Rapid City.
Prices for LASIK can vary widely depending on your particular prescription and other factors. The average price for LASIK surgery is around $2,000 per eye.
The important issue concerning the cost of LASIK is whether the fee advertised is all inclusive. Before you schedule a LASIK procedure, confirm with your surgeon everything that is and is not included in the fee you have been quoted and request the information in writing.
Even where price may be a significant concern, many patients are able to take advantage of financing options with affordable monthly payment plans. To learn more about the cost of LASIK in Rapid City or to schedule a consultation with Dr. Wright, contact Great Plains Eye Specialists at 605-718-5123 or wrightivisioncenter.com today.]]>