Life-Changing LASIK
Posted by administration on May 22, 2014
Recently we saw an article on BuzzFeed that listed out the “30 Life-Changing Things that are Worth Every Penny.” On that list were things like a good mattress, electric toothbrush, water flosser, high thread count sheets, good knife, fancy olive oil, good radar detector, good tires, plushy toilet paper and others.
We were excited to see that number 13 on the list was LASIK eye surgery! According to the article, “This short surgical procedure basically gives you a power-up in life, and you’ll save money in the long run.” We couldn’t agree more.
At Great Plains Eye Specialists, we use advanced LASIK technology to help as many patients as possible achieve 20/20 vision – or better. Dr. Wright ensures that every patient he ‘green lights’ for LASIK meets the right eye and physical health requirements; he simply won’t perform LASIK on patients if he doesn’t expect to have a good outcome.
We also help patients afford LASIK by offering 0% financing for up to 24 months. Studies have shown that you can spend up to $10,000 or more on glasses, contacts and supplies over a 10-year period; when you look at it that way, LASIK vision correction will save you money in the long run. Plus, you’ll definitely have that ‘power-up’ in life because of the visual freedom.
We should also mention that number 20 on the list was a high-quality pair of polarized sunglasses, which you could splurge on after you have LASIK (no need for prescription sunglasses).
Contact Great Plains Eye Specialistsat 877-576-0202 or to schedule your free LASIK Consultation in Rapid City and find out for yourself if LASIK is worth every penny. We’re sure you will agree!
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