How Long Does It Take for the Eye to Heal After Cataract Surgery?
Cataract surgery is a procedure of the eye that removes and replaces a lens that has become cloudy. The vast majority of patients achieve improved, sharper vision, but this change is not necessarily immediate.
Although some patients see well just a few days after cataract surgery, full healing can take up to three months. Cataract surgery recovery time tends to be minimal and mild, but there are various factors that can impact the speed of recovery. Read on to learn about the recovery process as your eye heals from cataract surgery:
Immediately After Cataract Surgery:
- At the completion of your cataract surgery, a lightweight protective shield will be placed over your eye, held in place with surgical tape. This shield will decrease the risk of injury from inadvertently rubbing or accidentally bumping your eye.
- You will be given dark sunglasses to wear in order to reduce light sensitivity during your trip home.
- You might feel a little groggy immediately after surgery, especially if you were given a medication to help you relax during the procedure.
- You may spend some time in a recovery area, where Dr. Wright or an assistant will answer any questions and review post-surgical instructions. Your follow-up appointments may be scheduled at this time as well.
- Typically, you will not be allowed to drive for 24 hours, so someone will need to drive you home.
- If you have not already done so prior to surgery, you should fill the prescriptions for post-operative medications Dr. Wright gave you.
- When arriving home, you may be allowed to remove your eye shield, but you should wear it when sleeping for at least a week to prevent eye injury.
- Apply your eye drop medications as instructed to control inflammation and reduce the risk of infection.
- Some burning, stinging and/or a gritty feeling to the eye is normal.
- Do not rub or put any pressure on your eye.
- It usually is okay to engage in light activity — such as reading, watching television and walking — immediately after cataract surgery, but you may want to simply rest comfortably or nap in bed when you return home